Head of Accountings Study Program

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Salam Sejahtera, Salam Kebajikan.

Praise be to Allah SWT for His grace and guidance, so that this Accounting Study Program Academic Manual can be completed. This Profile Book for the Undergraduate Accounting Program was prepared with the aim of being able to provide a comprehensive picture for students and lecturers, as well as the wider community about the Accounting Study Program at Nusa Putra University, which includes educational objectives, curriculum structure and course descriptions, as well as the educational process until the completion of the final assignment..

Seluruh mahasiswa diharapkan untuk memahami seluruh informasi yang ada pada buku kurikulum guna memberikan gambaran terkait Road Map sebagai Mahasiswa Akutansi


The Profile Book for the Undergraduate Program in Accounting have been compiled as well as possible, however, as the saying goes, there is no ivory that is not cracked, so this book does not escape from various deficiencies that still need to be improved in the future.