Vision & Mission

We are a community of global thinking scholars. Our goal is to create intelligent, creative, innovative and religious people who are strong for a better future of the world


The vision of the Accounting study program at Nusa Putra University is: “Becoming a Bachelor of Science who has a professional attitude in the fields of Finance, Taxation and Auditing that has Innovative, Religious and Globally Competitive Characteristics by 2043.”


  1. Developing Professional Competencies
    Providing quality higher education to develop professional competencies in the fields of finance, taxation and auditing. This involves a relevant curriculum, quality teaching, and extensive practice opportunities. Examples that have been implemented by study programs include A&B brevet training, finance, audits, project-based assignments, workshops and internships.
  2. Developing Global Competitive Capabilities
    Ensure that graduates are ready to compete in the global market by understanding international standards, foreign languages ​​and having sufficient international experience, such as international internships, student exchanges, international conferences and seminars.
  3. Increasing Innovation in Teaching and Learning
    Implement innovative teaching methods, advanced technology, and a curriculum that is always updated to reflect the latest developments in the fields of finance, taxation, and auditing. Examples that have been implemented are Collaborative Teaching with Practitioners, Curriculum Content Development, project-based assignments and Discussion-Based Classes.
  4. Research Development and Scientific Contribution
    Encourage scientific research and contribute to understanding and development in the fields of finance, taxation and auditing. Engage students and staff in relevant research. Examples include study programs encouraging publications and conferences, supporting student research.
  5. Social Engagement and Community Service
    Encourage students to be involved in relevant social activities and community services, so that they can become contributing citizens in society. Examples include Community Service and Tax Consultation Services or through a tax center.