Profile Bachelor of Accounting

Along with the development of science and technology, nowadays the field of Accounting has become very imPLOrtant to be mastered as the basis and central for the development of other related branches of science. Thus, the need for accountants worldwide is very high both in companies, industry and government. The Bachelor of Accounting Study Program at Nusa Putra University was established in 2018 and is the only study program in Sukabumi-Indonesia region that provides higher education in the field of Accounting including finance, taxation, and auditing. Determination of the profile of graduates of the Accounting Study Program at the University of Nusa Putra based on needs analysis, studies of science and technology and adopting and referring to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), the Professional Association of Indonesian Institute of Accountants (Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants) and the Competency Standards of Professional Accountants that has been set by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), namely the International Education Standard (IES).

Career Prospect of Graduates​

After completing the Accounting Bachelor Program, graduates can have a career as:

  1. Financial Accountant
  2. Public Accountant
  3. Management Accountant
  4. Tax Consultant
  5. Government Accountant
  6. Accounting Academician

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)​

Profil Lulusan Program Studi
Graduate Profile (GP)/ Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
PEO 1Lulusan yang memiliki sikap profesional dan menguasai bidang ilmu Akuntansi yang bekerja di Perusahaan maupun Instansi, Kantor Akuntan Publik dan Kantor Konsultan yang mampu menganalisa aktivitas bisnis perusahaan profit maupun non-profit, sesuai dengan Standar Profesi serta memiliki karakteristik cerdas, inovatif dan religius, (Professional Accomplishment).
Graduates who have a professional attitude and master the field of Accounting who work in Companies and Agencies, Public Accounting Firms and Consulting Firms who are able to analyze the business activities of profit and non-profit companies, in accordance with Professional Standards and have intelligent, innovative and religious characteristics (Professional Accomplishment).
PEO 2Lulusan yang mampu berusaha secara mandiri maupun bekerja bersama orang lain dalam perkembangan profesionalisme di bidang ilmu Akuntansi serta memiliki karakteristik cerdas, inovatif dan religius, (Social Accomplishment).
Graduates who are able to work independently or work with others in the development of professionalism in the field of accounting and have intelligent, innovative and religious characteristics, (Social Accomplishment).
PEO 3Lulusan yang mampu berkarya di bidang pendidikan sesuai dengan bidang ilmu Akuntansi serta melakukan riset dan pengabdian masyarakat, dengan mengikuti perkembangan IPTEK serta memiliki karakteristik cerdas, inovatif dan religius, (Academic Accomplishment).
Graduates who are able to work in the field of education in accordance with the field of accounting science and conduct research and community service, by following the development of science and technology and having intelligent, innovative and religious characteristics, (Academic Accomplishment).